January 1st – December 31st 2023 Daily readings and commentaries of the Holy Gospel throughout 2023, following the order Mark, Matthew, John and Luke. We aim to illuminate the four gospels for Christians and those interested in the Christian faith. Commentaries will frequently traverse the fascinating interface between Christan faith and contemporary science, emphasising the parallel harmony of expressions of truth.
July 25th – September 1st 2022 A series of analyses on data released from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), providing an objective basis for evaluating efficacy of the COVID 19 vaccine programme in the UK. This series includes a reverse engineering exercise to determine the health outcomes for the "missing 10 million": adults who were excluded from the official datasets, as not fulfilling criteria relating to permanent address, registered doctor, &c.
Please refer to slide show and data files at the link below.
November 24th 2021: Thea Newman presents a short summary of her analysis to date, comparing COVID and non-COVID excess mortality in Scotland over the period May-November 2021.
The findings are presented as seven facts, and Thea also includes one end-of-year prediction, on the total number of excess non-COVID deaths.
All data used in the analysis are obtained from Scottish Government sources.
YouTube exercises what we believe to be a far too stringent editorial control over viewers' comments, well beyond "responsible community guidelines". As such, a number of viewers' comments have been removed from these recent videos. Thea has collected these comments together in a document which is available below, so that the voices of members of the public are not lost irrevocably by ill-considered corporate censorship.
November 23rd 2021: Thea Newman presents real-time updates to the trends in non-COVID mortality data in Scotland.
Thea highlights a range of results that contribute to the same message: i) non-COVID mortality is in excess of 5-year averages across four out of the five cause-of-death categories, ii) the scale of the non-COVID excess mortality is comparable to 2021 COVID deaths, and iii) both COVID deaths and non-COVID excess mortality are increasing with the same average rate over the period May to November 2021.
Urgent societal and government action is required to understand the causes of these tends before further large-scale anti-COVID measures, such as lock-downs and new mass-vaccination campaigns, are implemented.
All data used in the analysis are obtained from Scottish Government sources.
October 20th 2021: Thea Newman presents a video examining trends in non-COVID mortality data in Scotland. She shows a statistically very significant increase in such deaths through 2021 taking them above the five-year average baseline. This trend is recapitulated within each of the five categories of causes of death as defined by the Scottish Government.
In further analysis Thea shows that this trend is unlikely to be a seasonal fluctuation and is thereby likely a downstream effect of COVID and/or the government response to COVID.
This is a live issue and Thea will provide video updates over the coming weeks. All data used in the analysis are obtained from Scottish Government sources.
August 12th 2020: SOLARAVUS Technical Report on COVID-19. We test the PCF hypothesis using mortality data from 25 US States. PCF predicts that the burden of mortality will shift to older age groups for States experiencing the epidemic later. This is confirmed by the data.
Please feel free to download the paper directly below. The paper is also available on the CERN Open Science platform Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/3976802
A remarkable finding arises from comparing mortality statistics between New York and Massachusetts - they are linked precisely by the decline with age of the immune system (Figure 6 of the paper), as predicted by PCF.
We hope everyone finds the paper interesting and useful.
June 19th 2020: SOLARAVUS Technical Report on COVID-19. We explore the hypothesis that infected populations create a long-ranged pre-conditioning field (PCF) that provides immunological protection for more distant populations. We find that this idea can explain much of the pandemic disease dynamics.
Please feel free to download the paper directly below. The paper is also available on the CERN Open Science platform Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/3937508
We hope everyone finds it interesting and useful. We have also made two YouTube videos explaining the PCF hypothesis (overview and in-depth), which are available at the link below:
June 19th 2020: Our final journal publication appears prior to the company transition to SOLARAVUS technical reports. Physical Biology publishes our paper demonstrating theoretically that 3 trillion basepairs is a fundamental limit for DNA replication. We argue that this limit constrains the mutual complexity of information and architecture in embryonic organisms.
The paper can be found at the link below.
Solaravus Technical Reports on COVID-19 and related documents
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